Is Spring Cleaning Still Important?

Spring is around the corner; is there a need for this tradition to continue?  Here’s three reasons why spring cleaning is still important!

1. Spring Cleaning is important because it clears homes from accumulated dust.

Spring Cleaning, in its earliest history, was about airing out the home.  Opening windows, washing curtains, linens, walls and all surfaces of the home.  Because homes were kept warm through the cold Fall and Winter months by fireplace and oil burning lamps; soot would build up on everything in the home.  Spring Cleaning cleared out the layers of soot build up and allowed fresh, clean air into the home.

For much of Midwest and Northern States, airing out the house, is still important.  While we don’t have soot build up, we do have stagnant air, and dust accumulation that needs to be wiped clean.  Dust, like soot, attaches to every surface possible.  So again, washing curtains, walls, linens and all home surfaces is important; and cleaning with eco-friendly cleaners is the best cleaners to use for spring cleaning!

It has been said that 20 million people in the United States have some form of allergy to dust mites; more typically the allergens are found in the feces of the dust mites, or in dead dust mites.  This type of “mite” is attracted to dust and thus gets their name “dust mites.”  Regular weekly dusting/vacuuming and washing of bed lines will greatly reduce the mite’s favorite habitat.  Let’s me be honest, how often do you wash the bed linens?  How often to do wash the curtains/ clean the window blinds?  These surfaces are also prone to collect dust and thus attract dust mites. 

So deep cleaning, such as Spring Cleaning, will greatly reduce the dust mite population and thus reduce the allergens.

Child spraying glass cleaner on a mirror

2. If Spring Cleaning Is Still Important, I need to use strong chemical cleaners, right?

Wrong!  Many chemical cleaners are just as harmful for your body, then the dust mites/ germs you are removing.  Take a look at the warning labels -most read, “use in a well-ventilated room.”  Why the strong warning?  Because the fumes are toxic to your lungs and should not be inhaled.  Have you ever tried to use a strong chemical cleaner in the bathroom and hold your breath while cleaning?  I have, and it doesn’t work!  Before switching to all-natural household cleaners, Brightly Green, I used toxic cleaners in my home and would get light-headed when cleaning my bathroom from the fumes.  Strong chemicals can burn skin and eyes, that is why the label says to wear gloves, or protective clothing. 

You definitely can’t have your children help you Spring Clean with warnings like that on the cleaning products! 

Thank goodness for Brightly Green all-natural, non-toxic cleaners!  Safe for moms and dads to use, safe cleaners for children (with supervision) to use and safe around pets.  As a mom, I have had my children do weekly chores and spring cleaning tasks with Brightly Green’s plant-based cleaners.  Now that I am about to become a grandmother, I know that my grandchild will be able to help Grandma clean the kitchen (after baking cookies😊 -when my grandchild is old enough to help! 

3. Spring Cleaning is important because it reduces respiratory ailments.

We’ve already covered one major respiratory ailment -allergic reactions to dust mites.  What else could there be that Spring Cleaning addresses?  Any number of germs that, when passed from person to person can cause respiratory illnesses from the common cold to bronchitis, and more.  The best way to wash away germs is to remove them from the surfaces they are clinging to.  While that seems like a “duh” statement, it’s often the obvious that gets overlooked.

Spring Cleaning tackles those “forgotten surfaces.”  What are the forgotten surfaces?  Doorknobs/handles, faucet fixtures, Remote controls, gaming controls, electronic surfaces multiple people touch. Kitchen cupboard doors, refrigerator door, freezer, microwave… get the picture.  Unless you are a very detailed cleaner, you are bound to forget to clean on a regular basis, several of the mentioned surfaces.  Especially the electronic surfaces and kitchen cupboard doors.

Spring Cleaning can be a family bonding time. Stay tuned for tips on how to get your kids involved and make it fun!

At HG Laboratories, we believe cleaning can be fun; but most importantly it should be a safe experience for the protection of your family, pets and your environment. Germs, sticky fingerprints, and plain ‘ol dirt can all be wiped clean with Brightly Green’s line of safe, powerful plant-based cleaners!

Paper cut outs of a family

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