Setting the Right Christmas Budget

Is your Christmas Budget set on the right foundation?

How do you know if your Christmas budget is set right or coming unglued?

With less than three weeks until Christmas, NOW IS the RIGHT TIME to Hit the ‘Pause” Button on your Christmas spending and revisit the Christmas budget you had set. Stop and look at the amount and items you’ve already purchased. Were they within your means? Were they impulse –‘great deal” purchases? Do they reflect the Christmas budget you had set and the values you have?

If you see that you’re spiraling down the Christmas spending tube, it’s not too late to change course! Could you use some encouragement?


1.) Prioritize the important: Keep out of debt! Minimize your debt! Let’s be real, we are seeing increases in costs from gas to groceries, so prudence in spending for Christmas is as important as ever.

2.) Prioritize the important: Time Together not Tokes Exchanged. (This speaks for itself.)

3) Prioritize the important: Shared experiences are the makers of lasting memories.

So, why are you finding this subject on a blog for all-natural, vegan cleaning products?

Let me share why…

Brightly Green is a family-owned business that has been manufacturing eco friendly cleaning products since 1987. Our founders are now great-grandparents and they KNOW what it means to prioritize the important! Sharron, our founding owner, has lost many family members to cancer and has made it her mission with the help of her husband, Jerry, (the founding formulator) to create non-toxic cleaning products that are safe for themselves, their extended family, grand-pets and the environment. Sharron and Jerry KNOW the importance of making memories with their family. With family members living in nearly every region of the USA, prioritizing the important means time together. Enjoying a Christmas Eve dinner, together. Laughing together over a light hearted movie. Playing a round of golf, together. Playing a game of Sequence, together. And simpy talking, together.

Beautiful happy family celebrating Christmas at home, gathered around Christmas tree, having fun while playing the guitar and singing Christmas songs

Together IS the gift!

Shared experiences, making memories…

…these are some of the greatest parts of life!

Circling back to your Christmas Budget, is it set the way you truly desire? Are there some gifts you’ve purchased that you really can affort right now? You’ve got the receipt, you’ve got the control to return those gifts and choose a gift/experience that prioritizes the important.

Would we love for you to have on your Christmas list, Brightly Green cleaning products for every household you give gifts to-sure we would! But we know that receiving cleaning products, even if they are plant-based, and safe around babies, are not likely to be on your gift-giving list. So, if you decide not to give cleaning products for Christmas, give gifts that prioritize making memories.

When the holidays are over and you’re ready to get your house back in order, come back and visit us -we’ll still be here!

Let our natural, eco friendly, household cleaners get your house green cleaned safely, just in time for the next holiday get together, birthday party or whatever events brings family and friends back into your home!

May you have a blessed Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!

–The Brightly Green Family